Video Seminars to Build and Activate MH Playbooks for Athletes, Coaches, Parents and Sport Organizations
Welcome to Video Seminars from Betsy Cutler, M.Ed. President and CEO CWP, LLC.
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This 19-minute video seminar gives concrete ways in which a coach can embed positive mental health techniques into their coaching style and their team dynamics.
Viewing this video gives you a Free Copy of the Athlete Burnout and Mental Health Warning Signs Poster, Athlete MH Conversations Starters & MORE! QR Code for download instructions are on the Video.
In this Athlete MH Playbook installment, we begin with describing resiliency and how it can benefit athletes, both personally and on the field of play. Athletes learn their individual level of resiliency. We offer Resiliency Skills training as well as have them build their OWN Personal Resiliency Plan.
The seminar is meant to be viewed in an athlete eco-system but can be viewed individually. There are small group segments incorporated but not mandatory. There are several worksheets that are associated with this seminar and directions for downloading are in the beginning of the video. If viewing in an athlete eco-system, using small groups, allow 45 - 60 minutes to complete.
Viewing this video gives you a Free Copy of the Resiliency Cycle Graphic, Building Athlete Mental Health Resiliency Worksheet, and the Mental Health Continuum Graphic & MORE! QR Code for download instructions are on the Video.