What is the Athlete Mental Health L*I*N*K System


Mental Health Education for the Athlete Eco-System

Athlete, Coach, & Parent Seminars

Research shows that our athletes expectations of their coaches MH knowledge is not the same as a coaches own expectations of their MH knowledge. By providing Seminars to Coaches and Athletes we work to put both groups on the same page of the “Mental Health Playbook”. We provide for our athletes what are appropriate expectations of their coaching staff regarding Mental Health. Therefore we facilitate appropriate boundaries for both groups as well as expectations.

CWP offers Mental Health Educational Seminars on mental health basics- we start with what is Mental Health- specifically Athlete Mental Health; Other Playbook Topics: What's the Difference between Mental Health Interventions and Mental Performance Training; What Does Seeking Help Look Like; Healthy Social Media; Athlete Identity; NIL & MH- (Name, Image and Likeness ); Female Triad; Bridging the gap between Coaches and Athletes MH Expectations: "Coaching with Care"- Creating a Positive MH Team Culture.

We offer coaches and athletes ideas on what seeking help looks like and who to turn to at the pro-organizations, college/high school campuses and even local resources. We educate and engage athletes in ways to maintain their own mental health along with ways to help identify if they, or a fellow team member, may be struggling with mental health issues that could require additional help. We help Athletes set limits on what is their responsibility for their teammate’s mental health along with their own.

We offer Parent MH Seminars for parents of youth athletes in hopes of providing Signs & Symptoms of a struggling athlete, clarifying terminology for professional sport support personnel. And as always resources

Sport Organization Consultation

CWP provides a review of your current policies that pertain to Athlete MH. If you do not have any we can help create policies that support your coach and staff when dealing with an athlete they may need mental health supports. We have also created referral documents that help your staff manage and provide accountability to the organization.

  • Review current Policies and Procedures

  • Create Athlete Specific MH Plans

  • Create a Mental Health Emergency Action Plan

“CWP has set the foundation for how NAIA member institutions can understand both student mental health and student-athlete mental performance training. Cutler’s Mental Health Playbook explains the interplay between these two concepts while clearly helping students, coaches, and administrators understand each other’s role in creating a healthy environment.

With Cutler’s Athlete MH Link providing mobile-friendly links to institutional and community resources, Betsy’s company serves as the bedrock of the NAIA’s approach to addressing mental health on campus alongside the NAIA’s digital mental health partner. Together, these cutting-edge companies provide simplified, scientific, cost-effective guidance for the number one issue facing today’s college students and student-athletes: Mental Health.”

NAIA Office of Student-Athlete Experience & Development

Athlete Trained Mental Health Clinicians and Sport Performance Consulting

Strategic Partner as our Clinical Arm

Through our Strategic Partnership with AthMindset, LLC, CWP can offer a dedicated “Athlete-Trained” Clinical staff person to your Sport Organization’s athletes and coaches. Creating a personal connection and relationship with your Athletics trainers, coaches, and athletes. Providing clinical services and eliminating the appointment wait time that can be associated with your campus and/or community MH services.

AthMindset can also offer Sport Performance Consulting for athletes, coaches, and teams

Although there are numerous programming options for athlete populations, there is still a void in the integration of technology & mental health. Our Athlete Mental Health L*I*N*K mobile app was designed to Educate, as well as provide Resources & Support to the athlete population. Our goal is to integrate better ways of creating supportive communities for athletes seeking mental health support by using technology.

Our mobile app offers several ways to support the mental health of our professional, collegiate, and high school athletes & coaches.

Click on Image to find out more details

Cal State at Bakersfield- Branded Version -


  • National MH Hotlines - One-Click away Hotlines that offer Crisis Options from Suicide, Eating Discoirders to Stress & Anxiety!


  • MH Education - Athlete Statistics

  • 17+ Lists of Signs and Symptoms of Common Athlete MH Diagnoses & Disorders (and growing)


  • Athlete Mental Health Communities. Connects Athletes to other athletes; Podcasts; articles and information on MH supports (and growing)

  • National MH Resoures -

  • MH Strategies -

ATHLETE SUPPORT SYSTEMS - (Branded Versions Only)

  • The Branded Version connects athletes with ONE-CLICK to THEIR Organizations & Community MH professionals.

  • Teams have a ONE-WAY notification system Sending out messages to inform your athletic department.

ATHLETE ASSESSMENT - (Branded Versions Only)

  • The app has integrated an adapted version of SVEXA’s Athlete Advisor Algorithm as the Athlete Self-Assessment a 9 - question Self-Efficacy questionnaire, which supports both the Physical and Emotional Wellbeing of our athletes and coaches.

  • We have also embedded the Admin View- specified Sport organization personnel. i.e. Athletic trainers/Clinicians can create a “Team Room” and invite athletes to join, allowing that “Admin” to view their daily assessment results.

2 Versions (Free and Branded) - Download the Free Version today!